


The government of Barcelona made a large intervention in the old barrio of Sants. The box, though successful in its attempts to reduce noise level in the barrio, falls short by creating a physical barrier through the heart of the barrio.

With a park already in the process of being design for the top of the box the area still needed something more to connect and revitalize the area.

This project aims to cultivate ideas, social gathering, and overall enhance the community by creating a new community centre for the barrio directly adjacent to the concrete box. The building will act as a social gathering space and a location of innovation.

CONNECT LEVELS: The site contains three different levels. 1: ground level, 2: ramp level leading up to the concrete box, 3: level on top of the box. To connect all three pedestrian levels through the building the project is extrude dup to five floor…

CONNECT LEVELS: The site contains three different levels. 1: ground level, 2: ramp level leading up to the concrete box, 3: level on top of the box. To connect all three pedestrian levels through
the building the project is extrude dup to five floors. Thus giving it accessibility to all three
levels. The program reacts to the different levels and pedestrian access. large public areas on the ramp level. increasingly private
program on ground level, and medium level, diverse program through out the levels accessed at the concrete box level.

EXPANSION: With the future development on top of the concrete box imminent, connection through this project is vital. This calls for the project to be expanded on to the level of the box or make a connection there in. By expanding the five level bui…

EXPANSION: With the future development on top of the concrete box imminent, connection through this project is vital. This calls for the project to be expanded on to the level of the box
or make a connection there in. By expanding the five level building onto the
concrete box on the top 2 floors, grounding to the future high volume pedestrian level is established. By sticking out onto the concrete box it presents itself while at the same time giving connection through and
down to the levels below.

VOIDS TO SPACES: Voids are created at the two top layers. The top rectangular void extends further into the building created a new space, an outdoor terrace level that sits on top of the fourth level. The second smaller void creates two symmetrical …

VOIDS TO SPACES: Voids are created at the two top layers. The top rectangular void extends further into the building created a new space, an
outdoor terrace level that sits on top of the fourth level. The second smaller void creates two symmetrical bays on either side. These act as entrances from the level of the concrete on the 4th floor. The separate bays
also act as barriers giving the 5th floor terrace level as sense of privacy beyond
being lifted from the box one floor.

ACCESSABILITY: With three different pedestrian levels all intersecting at this site accessibility into the building is requiredin a variety of ways. On the level of the ground, exterior stairs are built giving access to the ramp level along with an …

ACCESSABILITY: With three different pedestrian levels all intersecting at this site accessibility into the
building is requiredin a variety of ways. On the level of the ground, exterior stairs are built giving access to the ramp level along with an entrance into the lower level. On the ramp level the buildings main
entrance sits out in the middle of the rambla. On the concrete box level mirrored entrances exist on each of the two bays that extend out onto the box.

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